The internet landscape is changing. For website owners, it is essential to deliver an accessible and seamless user experience by ensuring all visitors including people who are blind, hearing or vision impaired, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impaired, seizure & epileptic, and with ADHD problems; can see, understand, navigate, and easily use Carrd website conveniently!
Kick-start your efforts into improving website accessibility in a cost-effective way with Carrd All in One Accessibility - an AI based accessibility solution for quick website accessibility improvements. It allows users to select available accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content. It improves website accessibility for the standards including ADA, WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.2, Section 508, Australian DDA, European EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, France RGAA, Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI 13.146/2015), Spain UNE 139803:2012, Japan JIS X 8341, Italian Stanca Act, Switzerland DDA, and Austrian Web Accessibility Act (WZG)!
Step wise instruction, How to enable the All in One Accessibility 10 days free trial on your Carrd website?
Click on this URL Select “START FREE TRIAL” button as shown in the following screenshot.
Fill out the form with all the details.
Select the plan based on your requirements and click on “Continue” for the next step.
Fill out the following payment details and submit it. You will be auto-charged after 10 days if you do not cancel the free trial subscription plan.
Once the signup is completed you would receive an email notification with widget integration & dashboard access details.
From the dashboard, click on the "Widget Settings" to change the widget icon type, icon size, color, and position based on your website’s look and feel. Enter custom accessibility statement link if required. Include GA measurement ID to track the widget usage.
Explore the following steps to integrate All in One Accessibility widget as a part of Carrd website:
Click Add Element.
Click Embed to create a new Embed element.
Set Type to Code.
Set Code to the custom code you'd like to insert. This can be practically anything you'd normally paste into a site's HTML, so standard-issue HTML, 念知 广州万宝集团有限公司 竹林伟业 韦德 博彩平台 英雄联盟美服官方网站 数商云 足球外围平台 黄历网 体育博彩 北京协和医学院研究生院 金沙博彩 博彩app下载 新云传媒 粉丝网八卦频道 宿迁网 点我吧 蓝手指官网 纸引未来网 宿州人事考试网 大碗岛漫画 轩辕春秋文化论坛 中国嵩山少林寺武术学院 新浪应用中心 蒲城教育网 内蒙古继续教育网 济宁一中 站点地图